Term Stimulation™ in the IVF Cycle
Term stimulation in the IVF cycle is structured and managed differently than in the natural cycle or an IUI and requires that the resulting embryos should be frozen before the transfer, because Term stimulation ™will often result in vanishing follicles with accompanying high progesterone levels. Term stimulation begins with determining the duration of artificial follicular phase. This duration is not equal the duration of stimulation with hormones, which is always shorter. For example, 11 days of stimulation started on Day 3 of the period will add up to a 14 day-long follicular phase. At the same time, 11 days of stimulation started on Day 5 will become a 16 day follicular phase.
Term stimulation is continued until the desirable duration, (I recommend 16 days) is achieved. The follicles during the Term stimulation™ protocol are protected with NSAIDs during the last few days as we as by Citrotide. Despite the protection, it is likely that some largest follicles will be lost. But this is a necessary sacrifice and it is well known that the largest follicles do not contain the best quality eggs.